30 days of Portraits - using a Barbie as a model.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Five

On her bed.


  1. Great picture Dd! I like how you lowered the top to reveal her shoulder, haha. The Zebra bed is a great touch as well! Awesome shot!

  2. A seductive pose. Where's Ken? Sgat

  3. The focus and lighting is spot-on this time! Very nice! I'm amazed at how alive you're making her look!

  4. OMG, she is SUCH A CHICK! The pose and zebra setting make this a very alluring shot. And is it my imagination or is she patting that zebra quilt in a most inviting way?!?!
    Perhaps some moody lighting would have enhanced the right mood here, but the lighting you have used is very cool and very even so well done!

  5. So she is back out of the closet and what a come back! I love her pose and the light streaks in her hair that go well with the purple streaks.

  6. You can see her talking :)
